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Catherine Korte Toronto Litigation Lawyer

Catherine A. Korte

Partner (she/her)






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Clc stacked 3inx3in original Litigation Loans and Adverse Cost Insurance

This paper provides detailed information across all Canadian jurisdictions regarding:

  • Whether interest from litigation loans is recoverable by the plaintiff in Canadian actions, and
  • What the impact is of adverse insurance on litigation across Canada.

A ab thumb original Can LAT Award Punitive Damages? Featured Case Study

On September 23, 2020, the License Appeal Tribunal (“LAT”) released a ruling that it does not have jurisdiction to award punitive damages.

The Applicant filed a motion to the LAT requesting that a claim for punitive damages be added as an issue in dispute on the basis of an alleged privacy breach.

Publications original Application For Accident Benefits Primer (OCF-1) Primer

Section 32 of the SABS indicates that an applicant shall submit a completed and signed Application for Accident Benefits (OCF-1) within 30 days of receiving the application package. However, Section 34 of the Schedule states that a person's failure to comply with the time limit does not disentitle the person to a benefit if the person has a reasonable explanation...